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DIY: Ho Model Trains

Many children love trains and, for some, that passion continues into adulthood. The first train set grows as additional tracks, trains and eventually landscaping are added. Towns are built, electrical lighting is added, cars and roadways are included, and hills and small mountains that are covered with trees and grass dot the landscape. One of the most popular model railroad scales used in homes or with train hobby clubs is the HO gauge.
  1. Space Needed

    • Measure the available space for the HO gauge train layout and create a diagram that outlines the track line, landmarks, town and other features. The layout can be placed on plywood at floor level, or it can be elevated to waist level by attaching the plywood base to sawhorses. Floor-level layouts limit certain features, including the addition of electrical wiring for lights.

    Painting Prep

    • Use green spray paint to cover the entire plywood surface. Even though most of the area will be covered with tracks, buildings and vegetation, the paint will camouflage any areas that mistakenly are left exposed until you have the time to cover them with other features or landscaping.

    Let There Be Light

    • Install the wiring for lights that will appear on the street and in buildings. Also include wiring for railroad crossings and the movement of crossing gates and any other objects that will provide motion. The wiring is placed on the underside of the plywood. Drill holes where wiring connects to lights and other electrical features. These features require a separate power source that does not interfere with the trains.

    Track Layout

    • Create the desired HO track layout on the plywood by connecting all tracks and switches. Outline the track line with a marker and then move the tracks to take care of any painting that is needed to simulate an authentic track bed. Replace the tracks when the paint is dry. You can choose to attach the tracks to the plywood with small nails, or you can leave them unattached.

    Add Town and Landscaping

    • Build the town with buildings for a downtown business district, train station, suburban homes, an industrial area close to the tracks and parks. The structures can be built from wood and other materials, or purchased from hobby stores. Create hills by using molds and covering them with model landscape material. Apply trees, rocks, stone walls and other features. Add people in the HO model scale to the scene. Some come pre-painted while others require the use of model paints to dress up the citizenry.

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