Things You'll Need
Piano Score for a Movie
Create a movie in the iMovie program. Record your movie on your digital camera. Check to make sure it is in Play (VTR) mode. Connect the firewire cable to the camera̵7;s IN/OUT terminal and to the firewire cable port. Click the iMovie icon in your Mac̵7;s desktop and click ̶0;New Movie Project.̶1; Save the project under the name you want for your movie and save it under a new folder. Click the camera mode icon -- which looks like a camcorder -- and on the dropdown menu click your device. Click ̶0;Import̶1; to import your movie to iMovie after your viewer says ̶0;Camera Connected.̶1; To stop importing, click "Import" again.
Take notes about what kind of feeling you want for each scene in the movie as well as the overall feeling you wish to create.
Click on the GarageBand desktop icon to open it. Select "New Music Project." Name your project and click "Create." Click the loop browser icon and select the piano option. Experiment with the piano loops and take notes on what combinations of effects you like best for your movie.
Go back to the main menu of the GarageBand program and click the
Import your iMovie by clicking on it in the media browser and dragging it into the video track. This action will also create an audio track that displays the sounds contained in the movie.
Add the piano loops into the audio track beneath the audio track for
Piano Score
Click on the GarageBand desktop icon. Select the "New Music Project" icon once GarageBand opens. Name your project and select your composition's tempo, key and signature. Click "Create." Close the keyboard that pops up.
Click "Add Track" and in the New Track dialog click "Software Instrument." Click "Create."
Click ̶0;Window Menu̶1; and under that click ̶0;Musical Typing̶1; to convert your computer keyboard into a piano. Play your song on the keyboard until you are comfortable with playing on the keyboard.
Click ̶0;Window Menu̶1; and under that click ̶0;Musical Typing̶1; to convert your computer keyboard into a piano. Play your song on the keyboard until you are comfortable with playing on the keyboard.
button called ̶0;New Movie Score.̶1;
the movie̵7;s sounds. Experiment with how the score and the movie come
together until you reach a piano score that meets your requirements.