Things You'll Need
Select your anthro or furry type -- whatever variety of animal you wish to anthropomophise.
Choose what pose you wish to feature your furry in. Also choose which animal features and which human features you'd like to highlight. Most furries have animal faces, which may or may not include human hair, as well as fur-covered bodies and a tail.
Arrange your reference pictures on your workspace. Draw faint lines around the notable points of the subjects to help you remember their placement; block in the larger shapes of the figures.
Begin to block the largest shapes of your desired figure; these are often the body, head and limbs. Check the angles and proportions of the shapes as you begin. Draw these lines lightly; most will be erased later.
Double-check the blocked-in shapes on your paper against the lines drawn on the reference pictures.
Fill in the outlines of the figure in the blocked-in shapes. Refer frequently to the reference pictures, and as before, draw lightly.
Draw reference lines to indicate the notable points within the figure; nose, eyes, mouth, chest and waist. You should now have a simplified body.
Erase your guide lines and add detail to the interior of your figure. Short, parallel lines can be used to shade and give the appearance of fur; light, long strokes can shade the darker areas of the figure. For this step, detailed reference figures are incredibly valuable. Pay special attention to areas which may cast darker shadows -- breasts or biceps, the muzzle, tails, and the knees and ankles.
Erase carefully in small, precise motions to add highlights near darkly shadowed areas to indicate shine over fur or hair.
Finish the drawing by darkening the outlines of the figure and signing and dating the piece.