Things You'll Need
Use a professional, directional microphone. These are designed to pick up the sound from one particular point of the microphone, rather than picking up every sound coming from every direction.
Keep the microphone a distance of at least 48 inches away from the computer. The noises and vibrations from the computer, such as the whirring of the fan, cause vibrations throughout the surrounding equipment and will often translate into noise on the microphone.
Set the microphone on a noise-blocking stand. You can also create a homemade baffle to set up around the microphone. Cut a large rectangle from a piece of foam mattress pad. Staple the two short ends to wooden stands or supports. Arrange one support stand on either side of the microphone so the foam padding forms a U-shape around it.
Use a sound card with balanced input and a shielded cable to run from the computer to the microphone. The sound card helps to eliminate noise and the cable allows you to set the microphone a distance of at least 48 inches from the computer.
Sing or speak directly into the top of the microphone. The microphone should be parallel, not perpendicular, with your lips. Your head will help to block out ambient noise.