Things You'll Need
Make an outline of the story told by the storyboard. Focus on determining the main characters, the areas of conflict and the resolution. The outline should be a very rough sketch; summaries need not be long and do not require unnecessary details. Instead, you should aim to capture the most central and most interesting points of the storyboard.
Craft a list of any important visual elements in the storyboard. For example, the appearance of characters, the geographic setting and the characters' body language might be important for understanding the story. Note any unusual visual elements that make the story told in the storyboard unique.
Devote a few paragraphs to describing the central traits of the main characters. Avoid unnecessary details; remember that you're aiming to capture the overall feel of the story, not every tiny detail. Write about the central premise or building conflict of the story. Address the moment of tension or conflict and discuss how the conflict is resolved.