Write out the equation used to determine the brake power of the IC engine. This equation is expressed as: "bp = 2(Pi)NT/60." The value used for ̶0;N̶1; is revolutions per minute and ̶0;T̶1; is the torque.
Write out the equation used to determine the indicated power of the IC engine. This is expressed as: ̶0;IP = Pm(L)(A)(N)(k)60.̶1; The value to use for ̶0;Pm̶1; is the mean effective pressure of N/M^2. The value to use for ̶0;L̶1; is the length of the stroke. The value for ̶0;A̶1; is the area of the piston. The value for ̶0;N̶1; is the revolutions per minute. And the value for ̶0;k̶1; is the number of cylinders.
Write out the equation used to determine the mechanical efficiency of the IC engine. This is expressed as the equation ̶0;mechanical efficiency = bp/ip.̶1;
Calculate the friction power (fp) of your IC engine by subtracting ̶0;bp̶1; from ̶0;ip.̶1; Add the result for the friction power to the brake power ̶0;bp + ip.̶1;
Write out the equation used for determining the mechanical efficiency of the IC engine. This is expressed as ̶0;mechanical efficiency = bp/(bp + ip).̶1;