Things You'll Need
Power wash your jet ski and the engine. Washing the ski prevents dirt and debris from falling into the engine while you take it apart.
Remove the battery cables starting with the black negative cable and then proceeding to the red positive cable. Unhook the fuel supply and return hoses, followed by the throttle and choke cables.
Look for the rubber mount adapters that are located on the shims controlling the engine alignment. Photograph the position of the shims, so you know what position they were in when you are reinstalling the engine. Loosen the rubber mount adapter screws. There is no need to remove the jet pump or align the engine.
Remove the spark plugs from the engine. Remove all of the porcelain from the spark plugs, and weld a 20 mm lock washer on each plug. Reinstall the spark plugs and run a sling through the hooks. Lift the engine out of the ski slightly using a hoist.
Pinch the oil supply hose from the injection pump and rotary valve shaft, and the oil return hose and remove the hoses from the engine. Unhook the starter post positive cable. Tilt and lift the engine the rest of the way out of the ski. Watch the body and do not disturb any other components while you are lifting the engine out of the sled.
Clean the outside of the engine with bilge cleaner.
Remove the carburetor from the ski to clean it out.