Power Tools
Most trout fins have a triangular shape, as well as a tail fin resembling a trapezoid. Creating these shapes with a hand saw is practically impossible; woodworkers should opt for a power tool, such as a band saw or router. The band saw allows the worker to move the wood block in any direction during carving so that the unique fin shape can take form. Alternatively, a router machine requires the block to be stationary as the tool is moved along the wood's outer surface. Both tools can create realistic fins depending on the woodworker's skill handling powered machines.
Carving Knife
For woodworkers that enjoy fashioning wood by hand, a carving knife is an alternative to power tools. The trout fins can be easily cut from the wood block and slowly filed down using the knife. As the fin begins to take shape, the woodworker can sand the edges down with sandpaper for a unique finishing touch.
Creating Fin Rays
Once the trout's main fins are carved from the wood block, the surface details must be added. A woodworker can add the natural rays, which are the surface lines, to the fins by using a tool gouge. Scraping small amounts of wood off the fin's surface in multiple straight lines creates the lifelike rays that splay out like a fan.
Metal Carving Alternative
As an alternative to carving wood trout fins, some hobbyists use carved corrugated metal pieces to attain the realistic appearance. Using a thin corrugated metal sheet, woodworkers can trace and carve out the fin shapes with heavy-duty shears. The natural valleys and peaks along the metal create the natural trout fin rays, negating the need to gouge out the rays as in the woodcarving version.