Open the WPF program and the collection file that you want to use with the observable dictionary.
Type the following information into the collection class definition:
Type the following under the collection class definition: "IDictionary, IEnumerable, ICollection and ISerializable."
Fill in the following information below the ISerializable information inside the program: "IDeserializationCallback, INotifyCollectionChanged and INotifyPropertyChanged." Save the program information.
Open the program. Find the ItemsSource to access the dictionary information. Plug in any desired information to find coding or other information located inside the programming code. The dictionary will keep track of all updates and additions to the program.
"Public class ObservableDictionary <TKey, TValue> colon." Under that, write "IDictionary<TKey, TValue>, ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>" and "IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>." Plug the appropriate coding sequences in place of the Tkeys and Tvalues.