Things You'll Need
Use a tape measure to determine the dimensions of the frame you need to use for your chicken coop. If you are building a side wall for use as a garden accessory, measure your desired space outside to find the right size.
Obtain pre-cut 2-by-2s from your local lumber or hardware store.
Lay out the four 2-by-2s in the shape of a frame, matching the long and short pieces. Nail together with your hammer, using two nails on each corner.
Measure out your chicken wire to match the size of your frame. Trim with wire cutters to fit.
Use the staple gun to fasten the wire to the frame.
Measure 5 inches from the bottom and top of the frame, marking the spot with a pencil.
Use your drill to fasten the hinges to the side wall. Next fasten the other side of the hinge to the coop.
Measure the side wall and coop to find their mid-point. Screw in your eye and hook so that they meet up, to allow you to secure the coop.