Things You'll Need
Install the oscillating power head in the tank, according to the manufacturer's instructions. The power head creates the current in the tank, to simulate a stream. Install it on one of the shorter sides, so the water flows along the length of the tank.
Install the filter opposite the power head, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
Cover the bottom of the tank with uneven layers of gravel or sand. Use enough to cover any equipment, such as pipes, on the bottom of the tank.
Place pebbles and rocks on top of the gravel or sand. If you're using pebbles and rocks found outdoors, wash them with water before putting them in the tank.
Scrub the driftwood with water and a brush until clean.
Place the driftwood in a pot of boiling water for 1 to 2 hours to sterilize it.
Remove the driftwood from the boiling water and wait for it to cool.
Place the driftwood in the desired location in the tank.
Fill the tank with water appropriate for the type of fish you own.