Things You'll Need
Unlock the front panel of the vintage Coca-Cola vending machine with the key it comes with. Pull the front panel open in a manner similar to that of opening a refrigerator door. Stop pulling the front panel when it is fully opened.
Remove any glass bottles from inside the holes in the wheel assembly that is inside the machine. Spray household cleaner on a soft cloth and wipe out the inside of each hole. Let the holes air-dry.
Measure the diameter of one of the holes in the assembly and write this measurement on a piece of paper. Place a sheet of newspaper on a table. Place a sheet of foam rubber on the newspaper. Draw a square on the foam rubber with a grease pencil and ruler that has the same diameter as the hole in the wheel assembly.
Stand one of the plastic soda bottles that are to be dispensed in the vintage vending machine inside the outline drawn on the foam rubber. Draw a circle around the bottom of the bottle on the foam rubber with the grease pencil. Place the bottle aside.
Cut through the circle drawn in the center of the outline with a utility knife. Pull the cut foam rubber out and dispose of it. Cut through the outline drawn on the foam rubber with the utility knife.
Place the cut foam rubber piece into one of the holes on the wheel assembly with the hole facing out. Hold the plastic soda bottle with the cap facing you. Push the soda bottle through the hole in the cut rubber piece until you feel resistance. Repeat this entire procedure to make additional cut rubber pieces for as many holes as there are in the wheel assembly. Place each cut rubber piece in a hole, followed by a plastic soda bottle, in the same manner as was done for the first soda bottle placed into the wheel assembly.
Close the front panel and lock it with the key. Plug the power cord into a wall outlet to power the refrigeration unit. Let four hours pass. Drop the required coin into the coin slot. Push down on the handle to rotate the wheel assembly and place a soda bottle against the opening. Reach in and pull out the soda bottle.