Things You'll Need
Measure the width of the pulley wheel groove on the belt drive turbine using a tape measure. Make a note of the measurement on a piece of paper.
Go to an auto parts store with your measurement in hand. Find an alternator belt that matches the width of the groove on the pulley wheel.
Bend a flexible metal plate to form a bracket for the belt drive turbine. Place the bracket over the top of the turbine. Mark the location of the mounting hole with a felt-tip marker.
Drill mounting holes in the bracket with a power drill. Align the mounting holes on your turbine with the holes in the metal bracket.
Place the bracket onto a scrap piece of 3/4-inch plywood. Secure the turbine and the metal bracket onto the plywood with screws.
Position the pulley on the DC electric motor so that it is flush with the pulley on the turbine. Attach the alternator belt to both of the pulleys.
Pull the alternator belt taught by adjusting the distance of the motor from the turbine. Secure the motor to the plywood with screws.
Turn on the DC electric motor. As revolutions are made by the alternator belt the blades on the turbine will begin to spin.