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How to Push a Longboard

A larger deck and bulkier wheels make longboards an enticing alternative to standard skateboards, for new skaters. Pushing off is one of the most essential techniques to master in skateboarding, and the basics of this technique apply to both standard skateboards and longboards. However, longboards are a bit more forgiving while you practice pushing off and balancing your weight. Take some time on your longboard to learn how to push off. After a good bit of practice, you'll feel right at home coasting on it.


    • 1

      Place your lead foot near the center of your board, while keeping your push foot on the ground. Your lead foot should point toward the front of the board.

    • 2

      Plant your push foot on the ground. Bend your knees slightly, and then push the board forward with your push foot.

    • 3

      Bring your push foot up onto the board to coast. Place the push foot near the trucks at the back of the board, with the push foot oriented perpendicular to your lead foot.

    • 4

      Use your push foot to propel the board forward again, while keeping your lead foot stable. Continue pushing off to sustain your momentum, or bring your push foot back onto the board to coast to a stop.

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