Mark the start of the row that contains the increased stitch with a safety pin. This will prevent you from accidentally unraveling too many rows.
Mark the row on the pattern that contains the error. This is where you will have to start knitting again once you have pulled out the yarn.
Slide the entire piece of knitting off the needles and slowly pull the yarn, unraveling the piece. Stop after you have unraveled the marked row containing the increased stitch.
Turn the piece of knitting so the end with the loose yarn is on the left.
Add the stitches back on the needle by inserting the needle, working from the right side of the knitting to the left, through the back of each loop. The right side of the loop should face you on the needles and the left side should be on the back side of the needle.
Count the number of stitches on the needle to ensure that you have added them onto the needle correctly.
Begin knitting again, starting at the first row where you made the error.