Things You'll Need
Cut a 6 to 8 inch length of rubber tubing using scissors.
Tie one end of the rubber tubing.
Unscrew the plastic tip of a common spray bottle.
Unscrew the sprayer portion from the bottle and place it in a container of paint.
Place the remaining end of the rubber tube over the nozzle of the sprayer and spray paint into the tubing. Spray paint into the tubing until it is firm and plump.
Remove the tubing from the sprayer nozzle and pinch it off.
Place the plastic end tip of the sprayer over the kink in the end of the tubing to secure it.
Place the metal key ring over the kink. This will act as a pin. When you pull the key ring off you can throw the grenade at your target and the plastic cap will pop off the kink on impact. The grenade will then spray paint out of the end of the tubing.