Things You'll Need
Place the sheet of foam core board on a work surface. Measure the diameter of one of the glass jars with a ruler. Multiply the number by six. Add 4 inches to the total number.
Draw a rectangle using the straightedge and pencil that is 6 inches wide and as long as the measurement you wrote down. Cut through the pencil outline with the blade of a utility knife. Place the excess foam core board aside.
Measure an inch in from the left side of the rectangle. Place a dab of bonding glue on the 1-inch mark. Place one of the glass jars on the glue. Press the jar against the board and hold it there for one minute. Measure 1 inch from the side of the jar to the other side and make a dot on the board. Repeat the procedure to glue another jar to the board. Repeat this procedure an additional three times to place five jars on the board in total.
Measure up the height of one of the jars with a ruler. Make marks on the ruler with the grease pencil that correspond to the following measurements: half the height of the jar, 1/3rd the height of the jar, 2/3r the height of the jar, 3/4ths the height of the jar and 5/6ths the height of the jar.
Stand the ruler against the jar on the far left. Make a mark on the jar with the grease pencil that corresponds to the 1/3 mark made on the ruler. Stand the ruler against the jar second from the left. Make a mark on the jar with the grease pencil that corresponds to the halfway point made on the ruler.
Stand the ruler against the jar that is third from the left. Make a mark on the jar with the grease pencil that corresponds to the 2/3 mark made on the ruler. Stand the ruler against the jar that is to the right of the one just marked. Make a mark on the jar with the grease pencil that corresponds to the 3/4 mark made on the ruler.
Stand the ruler against the jar on the far right. Make a mark on the jar with the grease pencil that corresponds to the 5/6 mark made on the ruler. Pour tap water into each jar until the water reaches the mark made on it. Add a drop of blue, red, green, violet and orange food coloring to the water in each jar starting from the left. Stir the water in each jar for 10 seconds.
Strike the rim at the top of each jar sharply with the flat end of a metal teaspoon to play your xylophone. Write down the order and color of the jars you are striking to be able to repeat the song at a later time.