Birthday Names and Dates
List all the birthdays of everyone you want to remember on 12 pieces of six-and-a-half-by-four-inch colored paper, one for each month of the year. Match the paper to the time of the year. For example, use red paper for December and pink paper for February. Hand-write or type these lists in an attractive font as they will be placed in your calender scrapbook. Type out the names and the birth dates for each month in alphabetical order. Leave extra space to add additional names and dates as needed.
Page Decorations and Illustrations
Glue each list on eight-and-a-half-by-11 card stock and decorate each page for that particular season or time of year. July could be decorated with miniature flags and firecrackers, October with tiny pumpkins and scarecrows and May with spring flowers and butterflies. Either purchase the decorations at a local hobby store or make them yourself from colorful construction paper and stickers. Add pictures of special friends and family on the pages of the month they were born. Photos of past birthday celebrations are especially effective. Frame these with colorful and interesting paper, ribbon, matting, string or sticker borders.
Cover Page
Write a cover page on another eight-and-a-half-by-11 card stock page for the title of your scrapbook. It could be something as simple as "My Birthday Calendar Book" or "Birthdays of Friends and Family." Decorate this prominent page with miniature birthday cakes, balloons and candles. Add your name in smaller letters to the bottom of the page.
Birthday Scrapbook Cover
Choose a scrapbook binder that reflects your lifestyle and personality. Animal prints, leather, suede, plaids, school colors or tiny checks are just some of the scrapbook cover choices available. Make sure that eight-and-a-half-inch papers will fit in the binder. Use a three-hole punch and carefully punch the holes in the cover pages and birthday pages and insert them into the album.