Things You'll Need
Place a table vice onto a work surface, mark the mounting holes from the vice onto the table and then drill out the mounting holes for the vice.
Attach the vice to the table with Hex-head bolts and nuts.
Place a PCB board so it rests flat in the jaws of the vice. Do not grip the PCB board too hard or else you could crack it. If it starts to flex or bend in the vice, loosen the jaws slightly.
Adjust two heat guns to 575 degrees Fahrenheit. Position one gun next to the vice so the heat port on the gun faces up towards the bottom of the PCB board. The vice is metal so you can lean the gun against the vice. Position the port on the heat gun approximately 6 to 10 inches away from the bottom of the PCB board.
Hold the second heat gun above the PCB board approximately 6 to 10 inches.
Position the infrared camera so the lens can see the PCB board and you can see the LCD screen. Turn on the camera and heat the OCB board to its specified temperature. The temperature depends on the size of the PCB, solder and the components you plan to install.