Things You'll Need
Set a main light at a 35-degree angle above the subject and a 45-degree angle off to either side of the subject. As a rule of thumb, place the main, or ̶0;key,̶1; light four feet from the subject.
Place a fill light directly in front the subject. Adjust the pole of a fill light so the bulb is even with the subject̵7;s eyes for portraiture or even with the top of the subject for product work.
Set a backlight behind the subject. For portraits, set the height of the backlight according to the color of the subject̵7;s hair. Place the backlight directly above a subject with black hair, at a 45-degree angle for brown hair and directly behind a subject with blond hair. For product work, always set the backlight above the subject.
Set the distance ratio for the fill and backlight to the main light at a 3:1 ratio. For example, with the key light four feet from the subject, the fill and backlight must be 12 feet from the subject.