Download the Lego Digital Designer program. This program lets you design and then build 3-D Lego models, and to import instructions on how to make Lego models.
Run the installation program by following the online instructions. The instructions vary slightly depending on your type of computer and operating system.
Open the Lego Digital Designer program by clicking the icon on your start-up page, if you haven't selected auto-start following installation. You get the start-up menu. Minimize the screen so you can return to it later.
Visit the MOC Pages Lego fan site about the C-17 model. It includes a picture of a completed Lego C-17 model.
Scroll down slowly. You can view 12 pictures of the completed Lego C-17 and admire its complexity.
Click on the link below the title ̶0;Building Instructions." A box opens, telling you about the file. The file has a .lxf extension. This is compatible with the Lego Digital Designer program you downloaded earlier.
Check the box ̶0;Save File.̶1; Click ̶0;OK̶1; and the instructions will download to the Lego Digital Designer folder.
Maximize the Lego Digital Designer screen. Select saved files. The C-17 file you donwloaded will appear and, unless you previously installed Lego Digital Designer, it is the only file showing.
Click on the icon for the C-17. The file opens and displays the C-17 instructions to make your Lego model.