Things You'll Need
Cut three segments of small I-beam. Cut one long pieces with two opposing 45-degree angles and two shorter pieces with a square end and one 45-degree angle. The three pieces will form the squarish "C" of your frame. You can cut the pieces with a cut-off saw or plasma cutter.
Weld the angled pieces together, forming the "C." Make sure your weld thoroughly penetrates the steel, and each side coalesces. There will be significant strain placed on this joint.
Drill mounting holes in a piece of steel plate to be used to mount your hydraulic piston; you can use an inexpensive one called a bottle jack. They're commonly used in car jacks. Make sure the holes align with holes in the bottle jack.
Drill mounting holes in two additional pieces of steel plate to hold the frame upright, and allow it to be bolted to your work bench.
Weld the mounting plate to the bottom lip of the C-frame, so it is perfectly perpendicular to the ground.
Weld the frame mounts to the bottom of the "C," making sure they are flush with one another so the frame mounts flat.
Weld a final small piece of steel plate under the top lip as a surface for the bottle jack to press against.
Weld triangular gussets made from steel plate in the corners of the the C-frame. The gussets will reinforce the joints and reduce flexing, which is more apt to happen with the open "C" design than a closed or square design.