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How to Fix a Crack in the Wood Layer of a Snowboard

A snowboard is designed with an aerodynamic shape so that snow flows over it instead of collecting on the surface. A minor crack in the snowboard's wood layer disrupts the board's ability to function correctly and can lead to further deterioration of the materials that are bonded together. Fix the crack in the snowboard's wood so that it can function as intended. You can find the supplies and tools for this project at a hardware or home improvement store.

Things You'll Need

  • Wood polish spray
  • Soft cloths
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Wax paper
  • Epoxy sealant
  • Epoxy hardener
  • Wooden stir stick
  • 2 C-clamps
  • Heat gun
  • Fine-grit sandpaper
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    • 1

      Place the snowboard horizontally on a work surface with the cracked area facing up. Spray the board with wood polish. Wipe the spray into the board from one end to the other with a soft cloth. Let the polish air-dry.

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      Apply isopropyl alcohol to the edge of a soft cloth. Rub the edge inside the crack to remove any loose debris. Moisten another part of the cloth with the alcohol and wipe the area around the crack. Let the board air-dry.

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      Place a sheet of wax paper on the table. Squeeze equal amounts of the epoxy sealant and the epoxy hardener onto the wax paper. Mix the two together with an end of a wooden stir stick.

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      Scoop up some of the epoxy mixture onto the end of the stick. Press the stick against the board as you drag it from one end of the crack to the other. Repeat this procedure until the crack is filled with the mixture. Place the jaws of a C-clamp on each side of the cracked area and tighten it down.

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      Plug in the heat gun and let it heat up. Hold the tip of the heat gun a few inches away from the patched area of the board. Run the stream of heated air back and forth along the length of the crack until you see that the epoxy has melted and spread into the crack. Let the epoxy set for a day or two.

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      Remove the C-clamps. Sand down the patched area with fine-grit sandpaper until it is even with the rest of the board. Wipe the dust off the board with a moist soft cloth. Spray the board with wood polish and wipe it clean with a soft cloth.

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