Pick an evening gown that best complements your skin tone and physique. You may have to get it tailored to ensure that it properly fits the length of your body. Also, select a dress that is stylish and chic yet also comfortable, since you will have to walk in it.
Get a full facial and makeover several days prior to the pageant. A facial will help rejuvenate and strengthen your skin for a glistening and gleaming look.
Use makeup that complements and highlights your facial features. Judges will notice makeup that is caked on your face to mask impurities or imperfections. Remember that beauty is not necessarily commensurate with perfection.
Exercise regularly to tone your physique. Cardiovascular workouts, such as running and swimming, will not only give you a more defined physique but also help you shed unwanted pounds.
Develop a healthy diet. Foods such as fruits and vegetables will keep your skin looking fresh and complement your exercise routine. Eat meats sparingly to reduce your bulk, but if you want to eat animal foods, opt for fish instead of red meats.
Prepare yourself to be able to answer questions that judges may ask you in the pageant. Topics such as world peace, hunger and career ambitions are standard subjects that you will want to brush up on. The best way to practice is to have your mother or a friend ask you questions about how you feel about a given topic and then answer them sincerely and accurately.
Practice your stationary pose, since much of the pageant will require you to stand and look your best. Focus on maintaining a bright smile, keeping your shoulders back and your chest up and out. You should also be able to stand comfortably with your hips wide and one foot slightly ahead of the other.