Things You'll Need
The Console Panel
Set aside six foam core boards.
Use your ruler to measure out one 7.7 inch line on one side of each of these boards. Use your pencil to mark this length on the boards.
Measure a line that is 5.2 inches long on each of the two sides that run perpendicular to your first measurement, and that run from your first line at a 45 degree angle. Mark these lines on each of your boards.
Draw a line that connects the tops of your 5.2 inch lines together on each of your foam core boards. These lines should measure 2.95 inches.
Cut out the trapezoids that you have measured and marked on your six foam core boards.
Tape your six trapezoidal pieces together along the 5.2 inch sides. This will create a larger hexagon that will have a mound-like profile.
Draw a hexagon with 7.7 inch sides on your biggest foam core board.
Cut out this hexagon.
Slip the hexagonal mound over top of the large hexagon that you have just cut out.
The Console Plinth
Draw a hexagon with 3.9 inch sides on one of your foam core boards and cut it out.
Measure out and mark off six pieces of foam core that are 5.1 inches by 2.4 inches and cut them out.
Draw the outlines of six pieces that measure 5.1 by 1.3 inches on your foam core boards. Cut out these pieces.
Put your larger six pieces of foam core together to make a hexagonal extrusion. Hot glue this hexagonal extrusion in the middle of your hexagonal base.
Use hot glue to attach your smaller cut out pieces of foam core to the spaces between your already attached larger foam core pieces. After you have done this, your console base should look like a six-pointed asterix with a hexagonal center.
Joining and Decorating the Pieces
Cut a hexagonal hole in the large hexagon that is the base of the console. This hole must measure four inches along each of its sides.
Paint the interior plinth panels black.
Slide your plinth into your console to attach the two together.
Use your matte board to cover over each console panel. You can also use your matte board to cover the spaces between each piece of foam core on the console.
Attach beads, sliced film cannisters, and/or painted matte board pieces to add gadgetry to the console panels.
Cut off the handles of your plastic knives. Hot glue these handles to the inside of the rim of your Rolaids bottle.
Fill your small plastic container with beads, and place it onto your knife handles.
Put your clear, cylindrical plastic cup over the middle of your TARDIS console to complete your time rotor, and your TARDIS console.