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How to Convert an Old Gas Grill Into a Forge

If you need to shape metal at home, you will need a forge. You can build a simple forge using an old gas grill. One of the main components of the forge is a tuyere. A tuyere is a pipe that is used to blow air to increase the oxygen feeding the fire in the forge. The grill is essentially the forge's base, and requires a fire box using fireproof material to contain the high heat being generated.

Things You'll Need

  • 1-inch metal pipe end caps
  • 6-inch pieces of 1-inch threaded metal pipe
  • Drill press
  • 1-inch metal T-connector
  • Adjustable wrench
  • 10-inch piece of threaded metal pipe
  • Power drill
  • 1-inch elbow connector
  • 20-inch threaded metal pipe
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    • 1

      Secure the end caps onto one end of the 6-inch pieces of threaded metal pipe. Drill 1/4-inch holes along length of the pipe 1/2 inch apart with the drill press. You should have a perforated pipe when done.

    • 2

      Attach the threaded end of the 6-inch pipe onto each side of the metal T-connector. Tighten the pipe by using the adjustable wrench, if necessary.

    • 3

      Secure the 10-inch piece of threaded metal pipe to the stem part of the metal T-connector. Make sure all of the connections are tight.

    • 4

      Open the lid of the charcoal grill and remove the metal racks. Disconnect the burners and take them out of the grill. Clean the inside of the grill with a scraper.

    • 5

      Drill a 1-inch hole in the center at the bottom of the grill with the power drill. Level a 1-inch to 2-inch layer of sand along the bottom of the grill.

    • 6

      Position six fire bricks to make two columns and three rows around the 1-inch hole at the bottom of the grill.

    • 7

      Insert the tuyere into the 1-inch hole in the bottom of the grill. Rest the arms of the perforated pipes on top of the firebricks.

    • 8

      Attach a 1-inch elbow connector to the end of the 10-inch piece of metal pipe. Secure the 20-inch piece of threaded metal pipe to the other end of the elbow connector.

    • 9

      Secure the end of the Shop Vac hose to the end of the 18-inch metal pipe. Stack firebricks to make walls for the forge's firebox.

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