Fashion Show
It takes courage and personal strength to present something in front of an audience. This is especially true for young girls who have likely never been in front of a crowd before. Organize a fashion show in which the Daisy scouts bring some items of clothing from home that they model and discuss before the group. Items suitable for this include vintage clothing from Mother's trunk, such as hats, shawls, jackets, jewelry and scarves. A red petal patch is a well-deserved reward for every girl who overcomes her nervousness to model in front of the group.
Picture Book
Another idea is to have each Daisy prepare a picture book about the lives of women who demonstrated courage and personal strength. Discuss how women such as Florence Nightingale, Emmeline Pankhurst, Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt and Rosa Parks demonstrated these virtues in their lives. The Daisies could draw picture books about the lives of these women. After the book is complete, each Daisy can show her book to the group.
Just as the red petal patch is concerned with courage, as well as moral and emotional strength, it is also concerned with physical development. Daisies this age can and should be encouraged to get basic exercise. The Daisy Petal Projects recommends you organize a gymnastics lesson for your Daisies. You may find one of these at a local YMCA. Always make sure appropriate spotters are available to help young gymnasts. The gymnastics lesson will allow your Daisies to show their physical strength and earn a red petal patch.
Craft Day with Seniors
Pack up a bunch of arts and crafts materials, and arrange to take your Daisies to a senior center to spend an afternoon with senior citizens. Here the Daisies can learn about the lives of seniors as they create crafts together. Meeting new people is often intimidating for young Daisies. Demonstrating personal strength in performing this service is another way for Daisies to show they deserve a red petal patch.