Tube Amp Doctor (TAD)
Tube Amp Doctor (TAD) makes electrolytic capacitors that can be used to replace Sprague Atoms in your electronic applications. These electrolytic capacitors have an aluminum or tantalum shield around the electrolytic layer. They have a high-current range from .1 uF to .68 uF. The unit uF stands for micro Farads, or one millionth of a Farad, and a Farad is a measure of capacitance, which is the ability of a capacitor to store energy. The TAD's are also shaped like Sprague Atoms, with a cylindrical body and the wire leads exiting the end-caps. They are mustard-colored and come in a variety of sizes.
Rubycon makes electrolytic capacitors that range in voltage value from 10 to 100. They are cylindrical, black-shielded and have wire leads exiting one end-cap. They're shielding is aluminum, like the Sprague Atom. They are used in modern settings and aren't marketed for vintage applications, as the Sprague or Tube Amp Doctor are.
The manufacturing company Illinois makes electrolytic capacitors that are marketed, as Sprague Atom is, for vintage musical applications, such as in an or electric guitar. They are shaped like Sprague Atoms with a cylindrical body and a lead coming through both end-caps. Their shielding is white aluminum. They do not share all of the specifications that Sprague Atom offers: for example, Sprague sells a 500V, 40 Farad capacitor, where as Illinois sells a 500V, 47 Farad capacitor.
F&T Germany
F&T Germany offers many alternatives to Sprague Atoms. Their line includes electrolytic capacitors rated at 250, 220, 100, 80, 47, 30, 22, 10, and 8 Farad. Their voltage specifications range from 500 to 100. They are also shaped like Sprague Atoms, with a cylindrical body and a wire lead exiting either cap. All F&T Germany electrolytic capacitors are brownish in color, as opposed to the marine blue of Atoms.