Things You'll Need
Place a sheet of newspaper on a table. Break off the license plate from the plastic accessories card that comes with the RC car. Place the license plate face up on the newspaper.
Put on the magnifying glasses. If you wear eyeglasses, remove them first and adjust the magnifying glasses' diopter so that the image you see is in focus.
Dip the model detail brush in the acrylic paint that is being used for the plate̵7;s background color. Paint around and between the letters and numbers on the plate. Let the paint dry for the amount of time specified in its instructions. Apply another coat of paint around and between the letters. Let the paint dry.
Dip the second model detail brush in the acrylic paint that is being used to color the letters and numbers on the plate. Paint the surface of the letters and numbers. Let the paint dry for the amount of time specified in its instructions before applying another coat of paint.
Dip the third model detail brush in the black acrylic paint. Paint outlines around the letters and numbers on the plate. Paint the edges of the plate with the black acrylic paint. Let the paint dry for the amount of time specified in its instructions before applying another coat around the edges of the plate.
Shake the can of paint sealant for 20 seconds. Spray a two-second burst of sealant on the plate. Let the sealant set for the amount of time specified in its instructions before shaking the can and spraying the plate again in the same manner as done earlier.
Grip the corner of the plate with tweezers. Place the plate against the back of the RC car, below the trunk, in the normal position that a license plate occupies. Screw the plate onto the car with a flat-edged jeweler̵7;s screwdriver. If the license plate has no screw holes, apply bonding glue to where the plate goes instead, and hold it against the car for a minute so that the glue can take hold.