Write your bridge between the second and third chorus. This creates a verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus pattern.
Write between two to four lines of lyrics. Note, however, that you don't have to use any lyrics and could instead use a solo guitar section, for example.
Add to the bridge an element in the lyrics that is new, which ties the song together. For example, a long song bridge might follow up lyrics that describe how much a person misses a woman with what he will do to get her back.
Use several techniques to change the structure of your bridge from the rest of the song. For example, change the use of "I" to "he" or "she," alternate the time frame or switch from details to general statements.
Add new musical chords, change the progression and rhythm or do both. The idea is to give the listener something new to hear.
Use only a couple instruments. For example, many bridges feature only the singer and a single instrument such as a piano or guitar.