Solvent Use
Acetone dissolves wax residue from surfboards effectively. It is used to clean fiberglass from tools as well as in constructing, painting and repairing boards. When used on a finished board to remove wax, it will also remove the board's thin glass finishing coat, eventually damaging and removing underlying artwork. There are other products on the market that remove wax from boards without damage. Check with your local surf shop.
Metabolic By-Product
Acetone alone has a low toxicity rating to humans. It is a chemical created by the human body during the metabolic release of energy. Acetone is readily accepted by skin tissue and flows uninhibited through it. Bottled acetone has a higher density than that created by the body, and can cause skin irritation after physical contact. Inhalation of fumes may cause a mild sore throat.
Toxic Carrier
When acetone makes contact with wax, paint, fiberglass or finish, chemical changes occur. The surfboard materials dissolve into the acetone. It is no longer just a human by-product, but becomes a carrier for toxins and carcinogens. If contact is made, human flesh will absorb the biologically friendly acetone, which is now a carrier of deadly toxins.
Studies performed by the Environmental Protection Agency have proven acetone to have minimal adverse impact on nature. It is widely used by major manufacturers in food processing, textiles, cosmetics and photographic industries. Acetone is the active ingredient in nail polish removers. Adverse consequences occur when acetone is combined with chemicals which are proven hazards. Acetone is also flammable.
Take safety precautions when working with acetone, using the manufacturer's recommendations. It is still an industry standard to use acetone in surfboard construction and repair. Acetone should not be used to remove wax from a board, posing a direct health hazard to the user and damage to the board. A variety of board wax removers are available that don't contain the chemical. Ask your local surf shop personnel for advice before selecting one.