Things You'll Need
Open a window no more than 2 or 3 inches in two rooms that are at least 20 to 30 feet away from the room in which the fog machine will be tested.
Remove the plug on the fog machine̵7;s reservoir. Pour the amount of fog fluid specified by the machine̵7;s instructions into a measuring cup. Pour the contents of the cup into the hole on the reservoir. Replace the plug.
Plug the fog machine̵7;s power cord into the extension cord. Plug the extension cord into an outlet. Place the fog machine in the center of the room. Remove any objects from the room that can be affected by water moisture. For example, take pictures off the wall or place portable audio devices or electronic equipment in another location.
Press the fog machine̵7;s "Power" button. Press and hold in the "Fog Activation" button on the side of the machine for two seconds before releasing it. If there is no side-mounted button, ignore this step.
Go outside and stand in front of the wall connected to the room in which the fog machine is located. Look for escaping fog over the course of 10 minutes. Enter the room and press the "Power" button on the fog machine to turn it off. Disconnect the extension cord. Return the room to its original condition.