Things You'll Need
Screw a small hook into each of the two wooden airplanes̵7; wings about 1/2 inch from each wing tip. Just hold the wing tip firmly in one hand and use your fingers to screw the hook into the wings.
Screw another small hook into the top of the front nose cone on the airplane. Screw a fourth hook in the tail fin near the top.
Cut four strips of string the same length using a knife, but make sure the string is strong enough to hold the weight of the airplane. The length of the strips of string depends on the height of the ceiling and how low you want the airplane to hang.
Tie the ends of the four strips of string to the four hooks on the airplane using your fingers to tie a double knot. Tying double knots make a stronger connection. Tie the opposite ends of the four strips of string together using your fingers.
Locate a place in the ceiling to screw in a medium to large hook. It needs to be where there is a wooden beam. If you follow a straight line from the light fitting in the room to the edge of the ceiling, it̵7;s likely you will find a wooden beam anywhere along the line. You can test first by putting a very thin needle or similar into the ceiling and if it goes straight through there isn̵7;t a beam, but if you find it hits something hard, you've located a beam. You can also use a studfinder to find a beam.
Screw the metal hook into the ceiling at the place you identified using your fingers. Screw the hook as far into the ceiling as you can. Gently pull on the hook using your fingers to test it is firmly in place.
Put the string you tied together over the hook using your hand. The plane is suspended from the ceiling. Give it a quick push on the back of the airplane and it swings around on the hook.