Draw a 4-inch vertical line at the center of the graph paper using a pencil. Draw a 2-inch perpendicular line at the center of the vertical line. You should have the shape of a ̶0;+̶1; sign.
Label the top of the vertical line as ̶0;y̶1; and the bottom as ̶0;-y.̶1; Label the lift side of the horizontal line as ̶0;-x̶1; and the right as ̶0;x.̶1;
Draw a line two squares wide every two squares down the vertical line. Draw the same sized line along the horizontal line.
Label the upper right area of your graph as ̶0;I̶1; for Quadrant 1. Label the upper left as ̶0;II̶1; for Quadrant 2. Label the lower left area ̶0;III̶1; for Quadrant 3. Label the lower right area as ̶0;IV̶1; for Quadrant 4.
Plot numbers on the graph such as (3, 2) and (-2, -3). The numbers (3, 2) are located in Quadrant 1. The numbers (-2, -3) are located in Quadrant 3.
Determine the number of squares for the graph that go beyond these two points. Reduce the size of the each quadrant so that a maximum of two squares go beyond these points.