Measure the trailing edge of the back of your cab. If you have an air spoiler on the roof of your cab, you will only need to measure the sides, as Airtabs need not be applied to the roof. However, if your truck cab does not have a spoiler, make sure that you measure both sides and the top.
You will need about three Airtabs per foot of space at the edge of your cab. You can purchase Airtabs from almost any trucking supply, both online and in-store. Before installing Airtabs, make sure the surface at the back edge of your cab is as clean and dry as possible.
One at a time, remove the adhesive backing from your Airtabs and install them as close to the trailing edge of the truck cab as possible. Airtabs come with a spacing template that will ensure you get the proper spacing along the edge of the cab. In order to install Airtabs on the top of the cab, a ladder or some climbing may be required.