Conserve your energy after diving into the water by moving at a slow and steady pace when scuba diving. Swimming rapidly will result in a loss of energy. Avoid unneeded movements which will cause rapid fatigue.
Keep your arms at your sides and thread through the water with your fins. Trying to thread underwater using your arms will decrease your momentum, so avoid any excessive arm movements. Remain in a horizontal position and refrain from quickly changing directions.
Learn to maintain your buoyancy by avoiding excessive movements and letting your body float when you are not threading through the water. This is a very important factor in effective diving and should be given a good deal of attention.
Learning the optimal way to breath underwater will enable you to avoid fatigue and stay under longer. You will allow fresh air to enter your lungs on each breath when you breathe deeply and slowly. Avoid breathing quickly because you will be inhaling very little fresh air. Practice taking slow, deep breaths underwater.
The proper scuba fin technique is also vital and will allow you to avoid over-exertion. Attempting to fin rapidly will enervate you. Conserve your energy while finning by using smooth fin stroke movements. Keep your legs in an extended position and your fins pointed behind you. Bend your knees and use your hips. Kick slowly but powerfully. Remember to keep your arms at your sides in order to reduce drag and lengthen your fin stroke.