Things You'll Need
Place sheets of newspaper on a table to keep the surface clean. Place the cardboard rectangle horizontally on the newspaper.
Measure up the height of the cardboard from the bottom left corner. Make a dot at the halfway mark. Measure 1 inch from the dot and make an ̶0;X̶1; with the pencil. Repeat this procedure on the other end of the cardboard, only starting from the bottom right corner.
Place a wooden skewer vertically on both ends of the cardboard. Move the skewers so that they cover the ̶0;X̶1; on each end.
Staple both ends of each skewer to the cardboard with a stapler. Pull up the staples with the tip of a flat-edged screwdriver so that both skewers can spin freely.
Measure 2 inches up from the end of the skewer closest on the left side. Cut through the skewer at the 2-inch mark. Measure 2 inches up from the cut end of the skewer. Cut through the skewer at the 2 inch mark to make room for the motor to go between the two cut skewer sections.
Place a miniature DC motor on the left side of the cardboard so that the shaft end faces you. Move the motor so that it is between the two skewers with the shaft up against the cut end of the skewer closest to you. Apply bonding glue to the ends of the shaft and skewer to adhere the two together.
Place a bottle cap face down on the newspaper. Cut a hole through the center of the cap with the blade of a utility knife. Repeat this procedure with the other three caps.
Place the caps against the ends of the skewers so that the open side is facing out. Push each end of the skewers through the holes in the caps. Apply a dab of bonding glue to the ends of the skewers. Pull the skewers back out of the caps until the glued end is inside the hole. Let the glue set overnight.
Cut a hole with the knife through the cardboard, next to the side where the DC motor̵7;s attached wires are located. Push the wires through the hole.
Turn the cardboard over. Rotate the cardboard 180 degrees so that the motor is at the right end. Twist the exposed ends of each of the two wires between your fingers to form a rod. Place the battery pack on the cardboard next to the hole that the wires are coming out of. Tape the sides of the battery pack to the cardboard with strips of duct tape.
Tape the end of the black wire to the ̶0;-̶1; labeled contact on the battery pack with a strip of cellophane tape. Tape the end of the red wire to the ̶0;+̶1; labeled contact on the battery pack with a strip of cellophane tape.
Hold the cardboard that is now a craft-made electric car off the floor. Place a battery into the battery pack. Put your electric car on the floor once the motor starts the back wheel spinning. Watch as the DC motor moves your craft car using electric power.