Things You'll Need
Put on the protective eyeglasses as a safety measure. Take your Etek paintball gun out to a shooting range. Stand at the firing line across from a target.
Bring the gun up to a firing position. Loosen the LPR knob at the bottom front of the gun by rotating it counterclockwise. Continue rotating the knob until it comes out of the gun.
Reinsert the knob into the gun. Rotate it three turns clockwise.
Insert the tip of a Phillips jeweler̵7;s screwdriver into the screw in the center of the knob. Rotate the screw a full turn clockwise.
Fire the gun. Note the strength of the impact at which the paintball capsule strikes the target. Rotate the screw one-quarter turn clockwise and fire again. Continue to do this until you are satisfied with the velocity of the gun.
Fire the gun another seven times at half-second intervals. Place the gun aside now that it has been adjusted. Remove the protective eyeglasses.