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Keys to Starting a Successful Band

If you are a gifted musician with a passion for your art, you have probably considered joining or forming a band. Getting a band together is not too hard, but starting a really successful band takes a lot of work, dedication and careful planning. If your desire is to not merely play for entertainment but to make a career out of it, there are several key factors you will need to make that possible.
  1. Good Musicians

    • If your goal is to truly gain audience and success, you can̵7;t just recruit friends who are middling players. That can destroy friendships as quickly as going into business together. Find talented musicians who have a similar musical vision to yours. Be sure their level of commitment matches that of other band members, and that you can all get along. If possible, find experienced band players with a wide inventory of songs, combined with some areas of expertise.

    Sharing Responsibilities

    • The business side of a band needs almost as much attention as the music side. Decide who will be the band leader, who is in charge of rehearsals and who will keep the books. Someone needs to be in charge of public relations, publicity, moving equipment, etc. Business-oriented members should be willing to take on those sorts of jobs, while the others follow their lead and take on the other responsibilities, so that no one is overloaded. Everyone must share the load and work together to achieve your desired success.

    Business Smarts

    • No matter how good you sound in your garage, it is your success in getting out and being seen -- and heard -- that will determine your future. If no one in your band is willing to organize appearances, consider hiring a manager or booking agent. Once you begin to develop a name for yourself, you will almost certainly have to hire an agent. Consider finding someone from a small agency who will devote themselves to you, unless you are truly certain you can become a big fish in the big pond of a large agency.

    Successful Rehearsals

    • Group rehearsals should be treated with the same seriousness as a job. Yes, you̵7;re there to have fun, but not to goof off. Don̵7;t drink or do drugs. Don̵7;t bring along spouses or girlfriends who have no function in the band, as extra people tend to prove more distracting than anything else. Learn individual parts in your own time. Record your rehearsals and listen to them together, as this helps most members identify their own mistakes without having to be told. Practice together at low volume initially, because it̵7;s easier to hear each other that way.

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