Things You'll Need
Open your humidor and dust it out with a clean cotton cloth. Dusting your humidor before seasoning removes any dust or dirt that may have fallen into the box during shipping.
Fill a medium-sized bowl with distilled water. Use a bowl large enough to dip or soak a sponge in without spilling the water.
Open a package of new sponges. The sponges used must not contain soap or chemicals.
Dip or soak your sponge in the distilled water. Squeeze excess water out of the sponge until it feels slightly more than damp and does not drip water.
Wipe down the inner lid of your humidor with the damp sponge. Wipe the inner sides of the lid down, as well.
Place your sponge in the distilled water once more. Squeeze out the excess water.
Wipe down the inside of your humidor including the bottom and sides.
Put a plastic sandwich bag at the bottom of the humidor.
Dampen the sponge with distilled water and place it on top of the plastic bag.
Close the humidor lid and leave it alone for 24 hours.
Open the humidor. Remove the sponge and plastic bag.
Fill your bowl with fresh distilled water. Wet the sponge and wipe down the entire inside of the humidor exactly as you did before.
Put a fresh plastic bag at the bottom of the humidor. Dampen your sponge and set it on the bag. Close the humidor lid and leave alone for another 24 hours.
Remove the sponge and sandwich bag and begin storing your cigars.