Chalk Posters
Schools often have large areas of asphalt or concrete, usually located near the athletic fields or in a student parking lot. Consider making some chalk posters by using colorful chalk to draw mock posters, which include your name and campaign information. These "posters" can be inexpensive to make, and get the students' attention whenever they walk by.
Backpack Tags
Backpack tags can be made in bulk and handed out to classmates, who then become walking posters for your campaign. Pick up paper mailing tags from an office supply store and write a catchy slogan, like "Heather G. for VP." Students can tie the posters onto their backpacks to advertise the election.
Door Hangers
Door hangers are paper or foam pieces that are hung over a doorknob. Make vice president themed door hangers, and hang them on the knobs of classrooms at the school. Students will notice these posters whenever they enter class. Write a slogan like "Vote Jess for Vice Pres."
You can use traditional poster board and add small mirrors to make unique posters. Write a slogan at the top such as "Look Who's Voting for Brian for Vice President." You can paste a small mirror toward the bottom of the poster so students can see their own face when they step up to read the poster.