Things You'll Need
Cut off the female end of the universal shutter release cable with the blade of a utility knife. Dispose of the cut end in the trash.
Slit 2 inches in from the cut end with the knife. Peel the insulation back from the inner wires. Pull the inner wires out. Strip a 1/2 inch of insulation from the end of each wire with a wire stripper.
Slide the sheath off the headphone jack. Run the wires through the sheath. Place the headphone jack on its side to the right of the wires with the input socket facing left.
Heat up a soldering iron for five minutes. Apply a drop of solder to the end of each of the wires. Let the solder cool for a minute. Solder the end of the red wire to the end of the flange on the jack that has a square end. Let the solder cool for a minute.
Solder the end of the white wire to the end of the jack̵7;s flange that has a rounded end. Let the solder cool for a minute.
Solder the end of the wire inside the paper insulation to the end of the flange on the jack that extends the farthest out from the right side. Let the solder cool for a minute. Unplug the soldering iron.
Pull the headphone jack's sheath up and around the exposed flanges on the jack. Twist the phone jack sheath left and right to secure it in position.
Plug the male phone jack from the Intervalometer into the phone jack connected to the Universal shutter release cable. Place the other end of the Universal shutter release over the end of the disposable camera̵7;s shutter button. Push the end of the release into the socket on the shutter button.