Write out the equation for calculating the velocity of a fluid. This is expressed as V = Q x 0.408/D^2.
Input the flow rate of the pipe or hose in gpm for the letter ̶0;Q̶1; in the equation. As an example, you can use 50 gallons that flow through the pipe or hose per minute.
Input the diameter of the pipe or hose for the letter ̶0;D̶1; in the equation. As an example, the diameter or a pipe or hose is 4 inches. Multiply 4 by itself to obtain ̶0;D^2,̶1; which is 16.
Write out the completed equation for calculating the velocity of a fluid. In this case, this equation will look like ̶0;V = 50 x 0.408/16.̶1; The result of the equation is 1.275 feet per second in this example.