Things You'll Need
Measure a length of sash cord to 15 feet using a tape measure. Cut the cord at this point with a pen knife. This is a suitable length for a beginner, but try a little less if you have a smaller than average stature.
Fold 3 inches of the cord back onto itself at one end. This will form a small loop called a Honda. The other elements of a trick rope are called the noose and the stem, or spoke. The noose forms a large loop running back through the Honda. After this point it is called the stem.
Sew the Honda in place. Push an awl firmly through both the cord at the tip of the folded back section and into the main part of the cord, at what will become the noose. Push copper wire through the awl hole to fix the Honda in place permanently. Punch four more holes through the folded back section of cord and the corresponding section in the noose. Pass the copper wire back and forth between the holes and tie it off at both ends.
Wrap electrical tape around the cord where your copper wire runs to make a neat finish that won't snag as you practice tricks.
Loop the other end of the cord around and pass it through the Honda.