Assess the current situation you have including the amount of downtime available along with the services you have at your disposal (as some company downtime includes restricting access to Internet or telephone services).
Clean your surroundings, including your entire office or your desk. Throw away unnecessary documents, update your filing systems and cabinets and remove excess junk to clear your work area.
Update your resume during downtime to stay on top of the latest job and career opportunities in your field if you are currently seeking work elsewhere.
Review and edit important documents or complete additional paperwork to save time later in the day. Finish any of your day's work that does not require services needed during your downtime.
Pay your personal and household bills, work on your taxes or schedule appointments and meetings for yourself during downtime.
Complete personal projects and goals, such as launching your own blog or publishing a book of your own. During downtime, work on your own business or plans to create one for yourself.