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How to Get My Arduino Tank Code

The Arduino microcontroller allows you to build simple and complex electronics, including remote-controlled tanks, robots and lighting displays. The Robot Rover for Arduino (Tank Kit) from RobotShop is a kit that includes everything you need to build your own tank using an Arduino, which you supply yourself. The code you need to program the Arduino is supplied free online.


    • 1

      Go to the link (robotshop.com/content/PDF/robotshop-rover-development-manual.pdf) provided in the References section.

    • 2

      Scroll down to the second-to-last page (page 15) of the document.

    • 3

      Copy the code from "int servopulse1 = 1250;" to the last two lines of code, which read:

      for(int i=0;i<4;i++) {Serial.print(buff2[i],BYTE);}


    • 4

      Connect the Arduino to your computer's USB port with a USB cable. Launch the Arduino programming application.

    • 5

      Paste the code into a new Arduino sketch.

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