Choose a river or stream that has produced gold in the past. Look for a waterway that is fast-moving, featuring waterfalls and rapids.
Check the surrounding hills for signs of quartz and mineralization. Both gold and quartz begin their formation as veins inside large rocks. Remember that gold will be present only in a mineral-rich area.
Locate a section of the river that is deep enough to completely submerge your pan. Watch the strength of the current as well. You need a steady water flow that will move silt downstream, but not so rapid that it interferes with panning.
Find a promising spot by looking at the river's natural features. Large tree trunks, gravel bars, moss and bends in the river are prime locations for panning.
Work a few test pans from the spot you've chosen. Look for black sand as you pan; gold will not appear where there is no black sand. If you're not having any luck from the initial pans, move on and try another spot.