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How to Disassemble a PSL Bolt

The Romanian-made Pusca Semiautomata cu Luneta is a semi-automatic sniper rifle that bears a striking resemblance -- in form as well as in some mechanical aspects -- to the better-known Russian Dragunov. As with all firearms, you should know how to take apart your PSL in order to perform routine maintenance and cleaning operations. You may also find it necessary to detail-strip the weapon in case anything larger has gone wrong. The process for detail-stripping the bolt is exactly the same as the process for the more ubiquitous AK-47 rifle models.

Things You'll Need

  • Punch tool
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    • 1

      Remove the magazine from the rifle and rack back the bolt action to ensure there are no live rounds chambered.

    • 2

      Field-strip the rifle down to its component parts. This will allow you access to the bolt.

    • 3

      Hold the bolt in one hand and take your punch in the other. Turn your bolt so the feed lever is facing upwards, exposing the firing pin and firing pin hole.

    • 4

      Tap the firing pin out with your punch tool and set it aside.

    • 5

      Push the extractor pin up and hold it in place with your thumb. Then tap the pin all the way out of the bolt using your punch tool.

    • 6

      Lift the extractor and extractor spring up out of the bolt.

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