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How to Make a Homemade Quiver Mount for an Excalibur Crossbow

A crossbow may shoot more efficiently than a bow, but you still have to carry the arrows around with you. Make your own homemade quiver for storing the arrows until they are needed. The quiver can be mounted to the crossbow and so does not take away from using your hands with the crossbow. The materials for the quiver will be purchased from a hardware store.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Six crossbow arrows
  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • 2 PVC pipes
  • Newspaper
  • Matte black spray paint
  • 2 PVC caps
  • Felt
  • Bonding glue
  • Leather strip
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    • 1

      Measure the length of one of the crossbow arrows. Measure the diameter of six of the crossbow arrows held together. Write these measurements down. Purchase a PVC pipe that is the same length as the arrow and twice the diameter of the six-arrow measurement. Purchase a PVC pipe that is the same length and diameter as that which was written down.

    • 2

      Place a sheet of newspaper on a work surface. Place the PVC pipe that has the same diameter as the six crossbow arrows vertically on the newspaper. Spray the pipe with the matte black spray paint. Let the paint dry for four hours.

    • 3

      Rotate the pipe so that the unpainted side is now facing up. Spray the unpainted side with the matte black spray paint. Repeat this procedure with the other PVC pipe.

    • 4

      Place the two PVC caps on the newspaper face down. Spray each cap with the black spray paint. Let the paint dry for four hours. Turn both caps over. Apply bonding glue to the inside of the PVC cap that has the same diameter as the crossbow arrow.

    • 5

      Place a piece of felt into the tube. Hold the felt against the inside of the tube for a minute. Apply bonding glue to the rim of the cap. Place the cap on an end of the tube that has the same diameter as the cap.

    • 6

      Turn the other PVC cap over. Apply bonding glue to the rim of the cap. Place the cap on an end of the other PVC tube. Let the glue set overnight.

    • 7

      Apply bonding glue to each side of the capped end of the tube that has the same diameter as that of the crossbow arrow. Insert the tube, capped end first, into the free end of the other tube. Place the tube vertically on the newspaper.

    • 8

      Measure three inches in from each end of the tube. Apply bonding glue to the 3-inch mark at each end. Place an end of the strip of leather against each mark. Hold the ends of the leather against the tube for two minutes. Let the glue set overnight.

    • 9

      Hold the tube upright. Insert the crossbow arrows, point down, into the inner tube. Wrap the strap of your homemade quiver around the back of the crossbow so you can carry the arrows with you.

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