Things You'll Need
Attach the rubber pipe to the copper pipe. Push one end of the copper pipe into the end of the rubber pipe that does not have a connector ring. The copper pipe forms the barrel of the gun.
Attach rubber pipe to the gas valve. Screw the rubber connector onto the outake slot of the gas valve.
Attach the one-way valve to the soda bottle. A one-way valve can taken from any bicycle tube. Drill a hole into the middle of the soda bottle about the size of the valve. Push the valve into the hole and seal it in place with epoxy glue.
Attach the gas valve to the soda bottle. Drill a hole in the cap of the bottle slightly larger than the intake slot in the valve. Push the valve into the hole and seal it in place with plenty of epoxy glue.
Tape the bottle. Cover the bottle with two or three layers of duct tape for extra strength.
Load the gun. Place a projectile, such as a marble, in the barrel of the gun.
Pump the gun. Attach the end of the bicycle hose to the one-way valve. Pump the air into the bottle until you cannot pump any more. Remove the pump.
Fire the gun. Aim the barrel at a target and, in one quick motion, push the lever on the gas valve to the open position.